Spice It Up: What To Add To Coffee For Weight Loss

By Admin Tue, Oct 11, 22

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Did you know that coffee is one of the healthiest beverages you can have? If you are a coffee lover, this is excellent news! Research shows that drinking three to five cups of coffee each day has many benefits. It can lower your risk of Type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease and even raise your life expectancy. But if you’re on a mission to lose weight fast, it might not be the perfect beverage for you right now. Even though it’s packed with healthy antioxidants, drinking too much coffee can also lead to an increase in stress levels, blood pressure and even insomnia. To enjoy the benefits and sidestep the side-effects of drinking too much coffee, here are 7 things you can add to your coffee to help with weight loss.

7 Things You Can Add To Your Coffee To Spice Up Your Weight Loss Journey


1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a potent antioxidant that can help reduce inflammation in the body. Research shows that it can regulate blood sugar and insulin levels, making it the perfect addition to a coffee drink for those who are trying to lose weight. A study published in Diabetes Care shows that taking cinnamon daily can reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes by as much as 58%. Cinnamon also has thermogenic properties, meaning it can increase your body’s natural fat-burning ability. Another study found that taking two grams of cinnamon daily can reduce the amount of body fat by up to five percent. You can add cinnamon to your coffee by stirring one teaspoon of cinnamon into your coffee every morning.



2. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate contains flavonoids, which are antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and protect the heart. It also contains cocoa, which can boost serotonin levels in the brain and make you feel happy. Cocoa is also rich in magnesium and can help you sleep better at night. In one study, participants who consumed dark chocolate every day had a lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes compared to those who didn’t take it. Another study found that dark chocolate can also reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol levels in the blood. You can add dark chocolate to your coffee by grating a square of dark chocolate into your coffee.



3. Dark roast coffee

A study has shown that coffee that is roasted longer has more antioxidants than coffee that is roasted quickly. So, if you are going for coffee beans for weight loss, try to find coffee that is roasted for a longer time. The longer a coffee bean is roasted, the more antioxidants it retains. Dark roast coffee is not only rich in antioxidants but also has less caffeine compared to lighter roast coffee. Coffee is often blamed for weight gain and accelerated aging, but the health benefits of coffee depend on the type of beans that are used for brewing. You can add dark roast coffee to your coffee by using it as your daily coffee beans or by using it to replace lighter roast coffee.



4. Ginger

Ginger is known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is also rich in an anti-oxidant called Gingerol that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes. One study has shown that consuming 100 grams of ginger can reduce blood sugar levels by up to 10%. Another study found that consuming ginger reduces blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels, making it the perfect addition to a coffee drink. Ginger also has thermogenic properties, meaning it can increase the metabolic rate of your body and help you burn fat. Ginger can be easily added to a coffee drink. You can either add a teaspoon of fresh ginger root or 1/2 teaspoon of dried ginger powder to your coffee.



5. Green tea

Green tea is one of the most antioxidant-rich beverages you can find. It is also rich in catechins, which are antioxidants that can protect you against cardiovascular diseases and even cancer. Research shows that the catechins in green tea can reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes by as much as 22%. Green tea also has caffeine in it, which can help you lose weight by increasing your metabolic rate and boosting your energy levels. One study found that consuming green tea regularly increased the metabolic rate of participants by up to 4%. It also reduced their body fat and waist circumference. Another study found that taking green tea along with a low-calorie diet can help you lose even more weight. You can add green tea to your coffee by brewing it separately or by adding a few green tea bags to your coffee.



6. MCT Oil

MCT oil is a form of saturated fat that can boost your energy levels and help you lose weight. It can easily be added to a coffee drink and doesn’t change the taste. It is loaded with antioxidants and is easily absorbed by the body. It can also reduce hunger pangs and increase feelings of fullness. One study found that taking MCT oil supplements daily can reduce body fat by up to five percent. MCT oil is also one of the richest sources of energy and can help you stay focused throughout the day. Another study found that consuming MCT oil before exercising can increase energy levels and help you work out longer without feeling tired. You can add MCT oil to your coffee by pouring a tablespoon of MCT oil into your coffee.



7. Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is rich in protein, making it the perfect addition to a coffee drink for weight loss. A study has shown that consuming protein-rich foods can boost the metabolism and help you lose weight. Another study found that eating high-protein foods can reduce hunger pangs and make you eat less during meals. Greek yogurt has probiotics in it, which can also help you lose weight by improving gut health and regulating the metabolism. It can also increase feelings of fullness and prevent overeating. You can add Greek yogurt to your coffee by stirring a tablespoon of plain Greek yogurt into the coffee.



Coffee is one of the healthiest beverages you can have, but it needs to be taken in moderation. If you are drinking more than three to five cups of coffee a day, you are probably consuming too much caffeine. Excessive caffeine intake can cause anxiety, insomnia, restlessness and even dehydration. When you are trying to lose weight, it is best to drink coffee without any additions to minimize caffeine intake. With the help of these additions to your coffee, you can get all the health benefits of coffee without overdosing on caffeine. So, go ahead and add any of these ingredients to your coffee drink. You’ll not only enjoy the taste, but also the health benefits that come with it.


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