The Truth About Metabolism Myths - What to Know

By Admin Thu, Aug 13, 20

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Many try different methods for weight loss and believe in many metabolism boosters that aren't even scientifically proven. There are two extremes regarding metabolism myths: they can be incredibly dangerous to your health or don't have any effect.

To understand how to lose weight properly, you'll need to know what metabolism is. Metabolism involves the breaking down of molecules for you to get energy. That means, your body converts whatever you eat or drink into energy. Your body needs this energy to help you keep moving and thinking.

Here are a few debunked metabolism myths that you should know:

Myth no. 1: Exercise increases your metabolism

Your metabolism increases and retains that way for only a few hours after your workout session. Many believe that it’ll last for days, but that’s impossible. That’s why it’s essential to eat healthy right after your workout session. When your metabolism is at its peak, it’ll start burning your calories and fat right away. A few hours after your workout, your metabolism slows down and breaking down your food becomes a bit harder.

Myth no. 2: When you have more muscle, you burn more calories

A popular myth in the fitness circle is that if you gain a pound of muscle, you’ll burn 30kcal to 50kcal a day. However, this isn't entirely true. When you increase your muscle, you’re increasing the number of muscles that are at rest. That means you're burning just a little bit of energy.

According to the National Council of Strength and Fitness, muscles have a low metabolic rate as compared to different metabolic tissues at rest. As much as it’s healthy and great that you are building strength, it’s good to note that you're not necessarily boosting your metabolism.

Myth no. 3: Intake of specific food can increase your metabolism

It’s probably one of the most common myths regarding metabolism. Many say that if you consume caffeine, green tea, or even hot peppers, it’ll increase your metabolism.

Unfortunately, based on a study by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, typical caffeine consumption doesn’t affect your metabolism. To change your metabolism, you’ll need to consume a cup of coffee every two hours daily. It’s not safe for your body at all and not a sustainable weight loss method either. Unless there’s a magic coffee out there that can do the trick, then count yourself in.

The myth about hot peppers is similar to that of caffeine. When you eat hot peppers before a meal, you’ll notice a decrease in food intake, but this isn't because of the increase in metabolism.


The best way to lose weight is to have healthy eating patterns and an active lifestyle. It would be best if you don’t trust myths about metabolism without doing proper research. When you don't take care of your body and allow it to go through extensive measures, chances are you’re putting your health at risk. Do your due diligence and talk to a fitness coach or a nutritionist to know what you can do to improve your metabolism and fitness lifestyle.

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