Is Green Coffee Bean Good For You? Our Top 5 Tips to Help You Lose Weight

Is Green Coffee Bean Good For You? Our Top 5 Tips to Help You Lose Weight

by Jasmin NXG

For almost everyone on the planet, green coffee bean has the same potential benefits as black coffee. The difference is that only a few decades ago, most people didn’t understand how beneficial these beans could be. Even today, some people are still not convinced that giving up the sweet taste of black coffee is for the best. After all, it’s been around for thousands of years, and it surely can’t be that bad for you?

If you ask many people their favorite type of coffee, most will point to their local specialty or even dreadfully ordinary latte art. However, if you survey a wider range of regular Joe’s, they’ll almost certainly mention something about how great green coffee bean is for you. So if you really want to lose weight fast, it might be worth giving green coffee bean shots a try. You can find them alongside regular beans in your local shop or online. Or if you prefer making them at home, check out our top 5 tips below:

What is Green Coffee Bean?

Green coffee beans are a type of bean that is typically used for making coffee. The main difference between green and black beans is the level of caffeine they contain. Black beans have more caffeine than their green counterparts.

The amount of caffeine in green coffee beans has been widely debated, with many people expecting it to be higher than in regular coffee due to its high concentration of chlorogenic acid found in the bean. In some ways, this makes sense. After all, chlorogenic acid is a potent antioxidant found in high concentrations in green tea; therefore, green tea has been widely acknowledged for its ability to reduce the risk of heart disease by improving blood circulation and lowering blood cholesterol levels. However, the research on this topic is still mixed, which could explain why some people are uncomfortable with drinking green coffee after dark.

The good thing about green coffee beans is that they’re not actually coffee. Instead, they’re a type of bean that’s been specially bred to be high in caffeine. This means that they’re actually better for you than regular coffee, which is made from the seedier beans from the Java and Arabica family. The downside? They have quite a high concentration of caffeine, which makes them taste bitter by themselves. However, when you add water and sugar, it turns into ‘healthy’ black coffee. 

That being said, here have been studies that have suggested that regularly drinking green coffees may help weight. tAnd while more research needs to be done on this topic before we can confirm how much weight loss cafés serve up by giving orders based on their customers’ cup-of-goat size, there are a few tips you can take advantage of today to get even more bang for your buck:



1. Make your own iced coffee

If you’re looking for a quick, simple way to boost your daily intake of green coffee beans, you can make a simple syrup with sugar and water. This way, you won’t have to worry about getting the consistency and amount of coffee needed for your daily cup of coffee just right. You can simply blend the ingredients together in a glass jar and pour it into your coffee when you’re ready to go. You can also try toasting the nuts and seeds to increase their nutritional value and increase the levels of antioxidants found in them. You can also add a little milk or sugar to the jar to boost its nutritional content, but do this at your own risk since hot liquids are bad for your teeth and gums.



2. Try to stay away from store-bought green coffee beans

Some people might be put off by the thought of buying fresh beans and either grinding them themselves or buying pre-ground coffee. There are a few things you can do to ease their minds and get them more on board with the idea of buying fresh beans. First, you can check to see if your local coffee shop stocks bean that has been freshly picked from the banished. If not, you can always order them online. Second, you can ask your local coffee shop what type of coffee they use and see if they can guide you in the right direction. Most will be able to suggest a good bean type to start with.



3. Make a simple syrup with sugar and water

One way to get people off to a head of steam about the idea of buying fresh beans is to create a simple syrup with sugar and water. The idea is to create a syrup that has the same amount of sweetness as coffee while still being drinkable. You can use any type of sugar you like, but since the goal is to create a syrup that is just as sweet as coffee, you can use white or brown sugar. In order to create this syrup, simply place the sugar and water in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. While the syrup is hot, transfer it to a jar and seal it up. You can store the syrup in the refrigerator or freezer and use it anytime you want to boost the sweetness of the coffee.



4. Try adding some vanilla or cinnamon to your coffee

People who drink a lot of coffee are often offered flavored coffee in addition to the regular kind. This can lead to unwanted side effects such as a bad taste in your teeth and gums or a sweet-tasting coffee that isn’t really coffee at all but cocoa in a cup. You can easily change the flavor of your coffee by adding flavoring. The main flavor you want to add is vanilla, followed by cinnamon and finally, sugar. You can also mix your favorite type of low-fat yogurt or ice cream with your coffee to make a richer, more substantial treat.



5. Serve with a low-fat yogurt or ice cream

Coffee is a good source of energy and can be a great hangover remedy, but you should definitely stay within healthy boundaries when drinking it. If your tank up on coffee and start indulging in other sweets and fats, you’ll start to see unwanted side effects such as weight gain and bad breath. You can avoid this by serving your coffee with low-fat yogurt or ice cream. If you really want a rich dessert to go with your coffee, make sure the ice cream is low in fat and calories and has only a hint of sweetness.


The amount of caffeine in green coffee beans has been widely debated, with many people expecting it to be higher than in regular coffee due to its high concentration of chlorogenic acid found in the bean. In some ways, this makes sense. After all, chlorogenic acid is a potent antioxidant found in high concentrations in green tea; therefore, green tea has been widely acknowledged for its ability to reduce the risk of heart disease by improving blood circulation and lowering blood cholesterol levels. 

However, the research on this topic is still mixed, which could explain why some people are uncomfortable with drinking green coffee after dark. Green coffee beans are a type of bean that is typically used for making coffee. The main difference between green and black beans is the level of caffeine they contain. 

Black beans have more caffeine than their green counterparts. The amount of caffeine in green coffee beans has been widely debated, with many people expecting it to be higher than in regular coffee due to its high concentration of chlorogenic acid found in the bean. In some ways, this makes sense. After all, chlorogenic acid is a potent antioxidant found in high concentrations in green tea; therefore, green tea has been widely acknowledged for its ability to reduce the risk of heart disease by improving blood circulation and lowering blood cholesterol levels. However, the research on this topic is still mixed, which could explain why some people are uncomfortable with drinking green coffee after dark.

If you’re one of them, the you’ll surely enjoy drinking Lean Joe Bean’s weight loss coffee. Shop now!