
How Caffeine Affects Your Health

by LJB Communications

If you’re like most people, then you probably have a coffee pot brewing every morning to start your day on a good note. With the delicious aroma of fresh coffee wafting through your home, it’s hard not to look forward to taking that first sip of hot coffee and the ensuing energy boost you’ll experience!

Morning coffee does a great job of keeping you alert and on your toes even when you weren’t able to get a good night’s sleep. Without it, you’ll probably feel sluggish and exhausted while struggling to focus on your tasks. However, you may want to know how caffeine affects your health and how much coffee you can drink every morning to avoid experiencing adverse effects. Here’s what you need to know:

All About Caffeine

Caffeine is a naturally occurring stimulant found in many plant-based foods like tea leaves, coffee beans, and even cocoa beans. They make you more alert, energetic, and responsive, which is helpful in situations where you feel tired and lethargic. Manufacturers often add caffeine to food and beverages like coffee, energy drinks, and soda.

Since it comes from a plant source, caffeine offers many health benefits. Drinking three cups of coffee every day promotes healthy bacteria in the gut while inhibiting the growth of harmful organisms. It also activates the digestive system, improving bowel function while reducing its transit time. It can also reduce the risk of chronic diseases like obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

The Side Effects of Caffeine

Although caffeine has many positive health benefits, it can also be harmful to your health when overconsumed. Drinking too many energy drinks, which contain caffeine, increases the risk of developing metabolic syndrome diseases since they diminish the diversity, activity, and gene expression of bacteria in the gut. They can ultimately upend the balance of healthy and harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.

Additionally, those who take too much caffeine in coffee—approximately four to five cups—are at risk of caffeine intoxication. This condition occurs after taking 200mg of caffeine, with symptoms including insomnia, an upset stomach, anxiety, restlessness, muscle twitching, and the inability to get tired.

Caffeine: Good or Bad For You?

Natural sources of caffeine, like keto coffee, can be great for your health and give you a much-needed boost of energy. However, like everything else, consuming too much caffeine can lead to uncomfortable or dangerous symptoms and put you at risk of developing a complicated medical condition. That doesn’t mean you have to give up your morning brew; moderation is key!

Healthy sources of caffeine include coffee, tea, and dark chocolate, which are chockfull of health benefits. However, energy drinks are replete with sky-high amounts of caffeine, sugar, and other chemicals that can wreak havoc on your health. That means you can continue drinking your favorite black coffee for weight loss without worrying about any negative effects, as long as you don’t drink too much. 


Caffeine is a plant-derived substance, which means that it doesn’t have any dubious chemicals that can result in mysterious side effects that harm your health. When consumed in appropriate amounts, caffeine can do wonders for your health!

If you’re searching for effective slimming coffee, look no further than Lean Joe Bean! We are the world’s only functional instant coffee that boosts your metabolism and improves your energy. Our coffee targets key hormones that help manage fat storage, resulting in better body composition and a lean, sculpted physique. Check out our products today for your next morning brew!