Coffee and Carnitine: The Secret to Weight Loss?

By Admin Wed, May 10, 23

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When was the last time you had a cup of coffee? Is it something that you do on a regular basis?

If not, but you suddenly realized that you’re drinking too much coffee, then know that you’re in good company.

Coffee has been widely acknowledged for its high concentration of caffeine (about 100 mg per cup). In fact, about half of all Americans drink more than 10 cups of coffee per day – and most of them are not aware of it. A study conducted by the National Cancer Institute found that in 2010, over 80 million Americans were considered to be obese.

What is Coffee?

Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages on the planet. It is either black or roasted, and it usually has at least some caffeine in it. So what does all this have to do with weight loss?

First of all, let’s identify what a cup of coffee actually contains. The common type of coffee usually consumed in the Middle East and North Africa is called kahveh (or kava). It is made from the coffee bean with no additives added. However, if you are going to drink coffee in the West, make sure that it has been iced first so that it cools down quickly while still retaining its caffeine content.

Health Benefits of Coffee

Coffee has been widely acknowledged for its ability to give us energy, boost our immune systems, and lower our blood sugar levels. In fact, because of its high concentration of caffeine, most black coffee is closer to a dietary stimulant than an antioxidant powerhouse.

So how does this relate to weight loss? Well, research shows that drinking coffee or energy-boosting caffeinated beverages like cola can speed up your body's metabolism. In fact, research has found that these types of drinks don't just add unnecessary calories—they also increase hunger hormones and slow down your metabolism.

How Does Coffee Affect Weight?

Let’s start with the basics: What is caffeine? Caffeine is a stimulant drug naturally found in many plants, including coffee, tea, cocoa, guarana, and more. It is also found in some snacks and baked goods. There are two main classes of caffeine: the central nervous system stimulant and the appetite suppressant. The first is necessary for good health while the latter only affects weight gain.

Why Does Coffee Contribute to Weight Loss?

If you love coffee, you’re in luck! We’ve got a ton of news for you: Coffee and weight loss are linked! There are a few reasons why: 


1. Coffee affects your metabolism

Your body breaks down caffeine into compounds that are responsible for making you feel jittery, episodic, and alert.


2. Coffee and Carnitine

One of the most fascinating links between coffee and weight loss is the fact that caffeine and carnitine can work together to burn calories. Caffeine is a plant compound that can be found in many plants. However, it is found in higher concentrations in certain plants like coffee and tea. Caffeine has been shown to interact with a number of medications, and it is believed to do so because of this.

How Much Does Coffee Affects Health?

Keep in mind that coffee has been heavily demonized in the media and by health nuts for years. In truth, coffee is a mild stimulant that is not necessarily bad for you. In fact, many people find that drinking coffee every day is beneficial because it gives them energy. Other than that, there are no healthy or harmful effects of drinking coffee. However, if you know you love coffee and you don’t feel right without it, you might consider choosing a healthier option.

Is Drinking Coffee Always Bad for You?

No, not always! However, certain individuals should abstain from caffeine due to health concerns. Keep in mind that caffeine is found in many common foods and beverages, so the total amount you consume does not have to be high. For example, an 80-kilogram (180-pound) man would have to consume about 2.4 times the amount of coffee that a 25-kilogram (55-pound) woman does.

How Coffee and Carnitine Help You Lose Weight?


Coffee and weight loss are connected in several ways. First, caffeine and acidotic states increase hunger. This is why you often feel hungry after drinking coffee. In addition, acidotic states also increase your cravings for fatty foods like butter and cheese.

Dark Roast vs. Light Roast

One of the most important things you can do to make sure that you don’t end up with extra weight is to know your body and your preferences. If you normally like dark-roast coffee and think you could benefit from an extra boost of energy, consider adding 1/4 tsp of roasted coffee to your coffee. However, if you are not fond of stronger coffees and would rather drink light-roast coffee, then you can order it online or in-store without having to pay a ton.

How You Make Your Coffee Shapes the Weight Loss Game?

Here are some things you can do to make sure that you don’t end up with extra weight: Drink your morning coffee black. Although you can always “up” your coffee by adding cream or sugar, doing so will just result in a heavier coffee overall. Limit your coffee intake to 1-2 cups per day. Remember, you can always drink more coffee if you want to, but doing so will just make you feel jittery and “wired.” Skip the decaffeinated coffee. While decaffeinated coffee is typically weaker than regular coffee, it can still do damage to your body.

How Coffee Affects Your Weight?

Here are some effects that consuming too much coffee has on your body: 


1. Increased body temperature

Coffee is a diuretic drug, which means that it will cause you to urinate out more water than normal. 


2. Increased production of cortisol 

This is the “stress” hormone that is responsible for making you feel jittery, alert, and “on” at the same time. 


3. Increased hunger 

Since caffeine makes you feel “horny,” you are more likely to eat because you are stressed and hungry. 


4. Increased expenses 

Because you urinate out more water, you are also likely to increase your intake of drinks and meals that contain sugar and sodium.

Summing Up

Ultimately, the takeaway from all this is that drinking coffee can be a real downer when it comes to your weight loss journey. While caffeine can help you feel more alert and focused, it will also make you hungrier and result in a higher overall sodium intake. This is not good for your body and can also lead to water retention and a bloated stomach. That being said, there are ways to enjoy your coffee without having an impact on your weight loss. For example, you can order your coffee black or low-fi decaffeinated coffee. 



What Else You Should Know About Coffee and Weight Loss?

Studies have also shown that drinking coffee with cream and sugar is less healthy for you than drinking coffee plain. The good thing about low-fat coffee is that you can still enjoy the coffee flavor without having to worry about how much cream and sugar you are adding to it. Drinking coffee is a really easy way to get a boost of energy, stay alert, and maintain your fitness goals. Drink Lean Joe Bean Coffee now!


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