stay in shape

3 Best Ways to Stay in Shape During the Holiday Season

by LJB Communications

The holiday season is finally here, which means all kinds of delicious food and beverages are abundant at every gathering. Indulging in every tasty dish, drink, and dessert you lay your eyes on can be tempting, but it’s best to find the perfect balance between getting to enjoy all your favorite foods that make an appearance only once a year and staying focused on your long-term fitness goals.

Holiday weight gain is real. Fortunately, there are various ways to stay in shape and keep yourself right on track during the most wonderful time of the year, such as the following:

Don't skip breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so you should never skip it. Start your morning routine with a nutrient-rich meal to give your body the proper amount of protein, carbs, fats, vitamins, and minerals to stay energized throughout the day. 

Complete your breakfast with a cup of our weight-loss coffee. This is the world’s first functional instant coffee made of clinically tested ingredients. It assists in fat loss by curbing your craving, improving your body composition, and boosting your metabolism, and it is ideal when you are taking keto diets or doing intermittent fasting.

You should also never skip your multivitamin. This season may be the perfect time to invest in a greens powder to fill in those gaps caused by vitamin or mineral deficiencies.

Stay hydrated

Drinking water is important especially during the holidays to help you keep feeling fuller for longer in between meals throughout the day. A good rule of thumb is to drink at least 3 liters of water a day to decrease your caloric intake and flush out any excess sodium—more if you exercise daily and sweat a lot.

Instead of chugging alcohol, drink water instead or opt to make smarter alcohol decisions. For instance, choose red wines over white since they have antioxidant-like property resveratrol and less sugar. Other alcoholic beverages that have the lowest caloric intake are vodka, gin, whiskey, and tequila. Don’t forget to drink lots of water while consuming alcohol.

Eat frequently throughout the day

The key to keeping your metabolism high is to stay consistent in delivering nutrients to your body to avoid experiencing cravings later on in the day. Instead of skipping meals the rest of the day and waiting until dinner to feast, keep a normal meal schedule and eat frequently with smaller meal portions. 

It’s advisable to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with two snacks in between meals. You can also strategize your days by considering your macros, including fats, protein, and carbs. For example, indulge in meals packed with healthy fats, protein, and vegetables during the day if you are going to have a carb-heavy dinner.


You don’t have to go through harsh fitness routines or aggressive dieting that can take a toll on your body and health in the long run just to reach your fitness goals. During this holiday season, delight in various appetizing dishes while staying mindful of your diet. Being determined to make better choices in your diet will help you drop some pounds while enjoying the holiday festivities.

To boost your chances of having a successful fitness journey, take our coffee and detox green tea. All our wellness products are available in the US. Order now!