Why You Should Add MCT Oil To Your Coffee If You're Not on Keto?

Why You Should Add MCT Oil To Your Coffee If You're Not on Keto?

by Jasmin NXG

Do you ever wonder why some people can go hours or even days on a single cup of joe and stay in ketosis while others don’t see anything positive results until the day after they finish a bottle of Coffee?

Some people say it's due to chance, while For others, it may be down to different diets or certain additives. But whatever the reason, adding MCT oil to your coffee makes a world of difference.

We’ll explain why in this article.

What is MCT Oil?


MCT oil is a form of coconut oil that’s been chemically altered to become more accessible to the body. It’s different from regular coconut oil because it’s been processed to remove the calories and fat. A result is a form of coconut oil that’s very tasty, incredibly healthy and a great addition to any diet. Typically, you’ll find MCT oil in health food stores, grocery stores and restaurants. It’s listed under the “health & nutrition” section of the ingredients. If you’re not familiar with coconut oil, it’s a good idea to get familiar with the basic properties of the oil.

Why is MCT Oil Good For You?

First, let’s talk about the benefits of coconut oil. Most people have heard of coconut oil because of its use as a cooking fat. But it’s so much more than that! In addition to its use as a cooking fat, coconut oil is also known to improve your health by boosting your metabolism, lowering cholesterol and fighting inflammation.

How does MCT Oil works?

So, you’ve probably heard that adding coconut oil to coffee can improve your health. But, how does it work? The short answer is that it helps the body produce energy from fat instead of relying on glucose (sugars) as an energy source. When you consume food with a high amount of carbohydrates, your body converts those carbs into glucose. However, with the help of certain hormones and enzymes, your body also produces ketones which can then be used as an energy source.



Do You Know Why Adding Mct Oil to Your Coffee Is Good for You?


Well, while there aren’t a lot of scientific studies on the benefits of MCT oil, there are plenty of case studies that suggest it can help keep your body functioning at high gear.

If you're looking for natural ways to improve your physical and mental performance as well as your overall wellness, then consider including a boost of coconut, almond or coconut oil in your diet.

These healthy fats not only provide you with crucial medium-chain fatty acids but also help produce energy from ketones rather than glucose. This way, you're always maintaining ketosis rather than breaking down into sugary fat when you eat foods that are high in carbohydrates.

What Are the Benefits of Adding Mct Oil to Coffee?


If you’re looking for natural ways to improve your physical and mental performance as well as your overall wellness, then consider including a boost of coconut, almond or coconut oil in your diet. These healthy fats not only provide you with crucial medium-chain fatty acids but also help produce energy from ketones rather than glucose. This way, you're always maintaining ketosis rather than breaking down into sugary fat when you eat foods that are high in carbohydrates.

Coconut oil is a great source of medium-chain fatty acids called Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs). These are fats with a molecular structure that allows them to cross the blood-brain barrier easily. One of the most important functions of MCTs is to provide energy from ketones rather than glucose. As we now know, the brain can use ketones as an alternative energy source because we’ve been able to successfully repress its metabolism to a point where it doesn’t need to break down glucose.

How to Include MCT Oil Into Your Diet?

You can get the benefits of MCTs by consuming food items rich in MCTs or by taking dietary supplements. If you consume food items rich in MCTs, you’ll notice a boost in energy and cognitive performance. You can also take dietary supplements that contain MCTs. You can also add MCT oil to coffee if you’re not yet on keto. After a certain amount of carbs have been consumed, your body starts to break down fat into ketones primarily. This is why you should include at least 2 parts of your diet that include MCTs. The first part should be the foods with the highest amount of MCTs. The second part should be the foods with the least amount of carbohydrates.

How to Know if You’ve Added Enough Mct Oil to Your Coffee?


If you add more than the maximum recommended amount recommended by your health expert (2 tbs recommended by NUTS), you may notice an increase in slightly uncomfortable “jitteriness”. This is because your body is “processing” the extra MCTs and producing more ketones to replace the amount that’s being excreted in the urine. If you’re not seeing any improvement after the first day, then you probably haven’t consumed enough MCT oil. You should aim to consume 1/2 to 3/4 of the amount recommended by your doctor.


MCT oil is a great way to boost your nutritional intake if you’re on a low-carb or keto diet. MCT oil works in a very similar way to fats in animals and humans. It can be used as a food or a supplement and can help with a plethora of conditions such as epilepsy and diabetes. If you’re unsure how to add MCT oil to your diet, Lean Joe Bean superfood coffee is a great option for incorporating MCTs into your diet. It’s a blend of coconut oil and almond oil with 5% caffeine, which is a stimulant naturally produced by your body. Lean Joe Bean superfood coffee helps increase energy and mental focus while providing a boost of health benefits. The combination of coconut oil and caffeine in Lean Joe Bean superfood coffee is especially helpful for those who want to stay on a low-carb diet but want a bit of help staying alert and focused without having to put their brain into overdrive.