drip coffee in cafe setting

Why Should You Drink Coffee at the Right Time of the Day?

by LJB Communications

Coffee has been the salvation of many people struggling to stay up at night. Having a small dose of caffeine during busy weeks or months can be a lifesaver, giving you the burst of energy you need to meet your deadlines. However, this night owl habit of staying until the witching hour can have a negative effect on your body.

The Importance of Regulating Coffee Consumption

Coffee is a popular drink for many people, being a necessity for most people to start their day. Since it’s usually paired with breakfast, this helps people stay active throughout the day until they clock out in the evening. This gives them the ability to stay working during crunch time. On the other hand, while it’s traditionally consumed in the morning, many people look toward their coffee fix at night. 

Moderate coffee drinking has shown signs of providing positive effects to drinkers like lower risk of heart diseases and prevention of certain neurological symptoms. This means that coffee drinking isn’t inherently bad. However, there are certain practices and guidelines coffee drinkers need to remember. After all, having too much of the good thing at the wrong time can only do you harm.

The Issue with Drinking Coffee by Midnight

A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition reported that poor sleeping cycles due to staying up late won’t immediately break your body. However, there’s a distinct effect on your metabolism when you take coffee before you’ve had your breakfast in the morning.

The parameters of the study tested participants by letting them drink black coffee after a disrupted night cycle. The researchers did this by allowing the participants to drink juice to test their body’s glucose absorption. While measuring the participants’ sugar levels, it revealed that these individuals showed impaired levels of blood sugar control. These conditions are symptomatic of the noticeable signs of metabolic dysfunction.

This study is reassuring for coffee drinkers who typically have to miss their eight hours of regular rest. While having too little sleep can be a potential red flag for poor health, it’s not entirely unhealthy to do it now and then. 

Metabolically speaking, chronic sleep disruption commonly leads to impaired glucose medicine. The conclusion of heavy coffee to stay up at night can put a person dangerously at risk for diabetes and other metabolic disorders. This is why an unhealthy habit of drinking coffee during nighttime can lead to reduced insulin sensitivity.

The Need to Shift Coffee Drinking Attitudes

The study suggests that the advantage of staying alert at night due to coffee doesn’t weigh well with its potential cons. Since you’re pushing your body past its limits, it will have less ability to tolerate sugar during breakfast. This leads to compromised sensors in your muscles that take in glucose out of the blood. Additionally, this leads to a greater release of lipids in the blood. While there aren’t clear times when a person shouldn’t drink coffee, the study’s results discourage people from drinking it at night.


There’s a reason why most people only prefer drinking coffee in the morning. Besides breaking their sleeping cycles, there’s the risk of compromising their metabolism. This is why it’s vital to know the best time to drink your coffee. Additionally, it may help you to drink special blends that just have mild ingredients. Thankfully, there are numerous products in the market innovating the traditional black coffee recipe.

At Lean Joe Bean, we continuously innovate the different ways coffee drinkers can enjoy their cup of joe. Our unique weight loss coffee variants that will help you lose weight are something worth trying out! Start your morning coffee drinking right by shopping from our online store today!