a girl drinking coffee

What’s the Science Behind the Keto Diet and Keto Coffee

by LJB Communications

The Keto Diet is one of the most popular health trends to go mainstream in the last couple of years. It involves putting the body in a metabolic state called ketosis, during which the body burns its own fat stores instead of using sugar for energy. The diet involves a high intake of fat, a low intake of carbohydrates, and a moderate intake of protein.

In a normal state, the body processes sugar from your carbohydrates for energy, but when ketosis is induced, the liver produces ketones. Ketones are organic compounds made from fat that can be used as a backup fuel source. The Keto diet has been shown to help people shed unwanted pounds rather quickly.

While the Ketogenic diet is often thought to be a weight-loss tool, it is also about health and energy management. As a dietician and the author of “The Ketogenic Diet,” Kristen Mancinelli states that the results of the diet often involve, “mental clarity, greater alertness, more energy, less hunger, and greater ability to focus.”

How does Keto Coffee work?

One way Keto dieters have taken the diet further is through Keto coffee, which is a special formulation of coffee that helps dieters reach ketosis faster. While Keto coffee can help a dieter lose weight, it can do just the opposite if taken incorrectly.

Ketones are produced only in periods of lowered carbohydrate intake. Chock-full of butter and medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) oil, Keto coffee can provide the liver with the fat it needs to make the body feel full and energetic. The MCT also creates a feeling of fullness and satisfaction to avoid overeating.

And because coffee contains caffeine, it can give the drinker a surge of energy and clarity.

Control where you get your ketones.

Mancinelli emphasizes that the whole point of using the Ketogenic Diet for weight loss is to make sure the body burns its own fat rather than fat from an external source. These external sources could include your meals or your Keto coffee.

It is important to note that your daily dose of Keto coffee should count towards your calorie intake. As such, it should be taken in place of a meal (which should typically contain 300 calories and other nutrients). Taking too much can slow down weight loss and even induce weight gain.

“Dieters should stick to one cup a day, and drink it in place of a meal, rather than as a beverage to have alongside your breakfast.”

Overconsumption of Keto Coffee can also result in gastrointestinal stress, and consumption of Keto coffee while not on the Keto diet can just lead to weight gain.

The fact that coffee has caffeine in it means that it could be the reason you are feeling energetic, not the ketones burning the fat. In truth, coffee is not even inherently “keto.” It’s the added fat from butter and MCT oil that helps it.


At the end of the day, the quickest and most efficient way to reach ketosis is still fasting or intensively limiting your carbohydrate intake. The Keto diet just helps facilitate the body into ketosis without putting it through starvation or malnutrition, which can have long-term debilitating effects.

If you’re interested in spicing up your Keto diet with some Keto coffee, head on to Lean Joe Bean for coffee beans and other coffee information. Ours is the best in the US marketplace!