3 Ways Coffee Can Help With Your Weight Loss Goals

3 Ways Coffee Can Help With Your Weight Loss Goals

by LJB Communications

Weight loss is a very common goal for many people. Whether you’re looking to slim down before a high school reunion, fit in your clothes better, or invest in your health and happiness, chances are you’re looking to shed unwanted pounds. 

By now, you likely understand that there are no shortcuts to sustainable results and progress—which means you can put your crash diets and “fat-burning” pills aside. 

As any expert will tell you, the process of losing weight in a healthy and sustainable manner boils down to making the right choices, changes, and improvements to your daily habits. From tracking calories and macronutrients to sleeping correctly and working out frequently, every single decision you make will go a long way towards helping you achieve your goals.

However, there’s one particular step that anyone looking to lose weight needs to incorporate into their plan: drinking coffee. 

How Coffee Can Help with Losing Weight (And Even Speed It Up)

Coffee is generally associated with the following terms: productivity, waking up, feeling strong, and readiness.

For most people, having a cup of joe is a sacred part of their routine because it helps them prepare for anything coming their way and get over the slump of mornings. Of course, people’s relationship with coffee makes it look like a sort of energy booster that can make the difference between a good day and a bad one. But, a cup of “magical bean juice” can also be a vital component of an effective weight-loss regimen when used correctly.

To give you a better idea of how drinking coffee—or a cup of Lean Joe Bean K-Cup Weight Loss Coffee—can help you lose unwanted weight, here are a few points to consider: 

A Cup of Coffee Works Wonders as an Appetite Suppressant

Shedding fat begins and ends with a calorie deficit—meaning that you’ll need to consume 250 to 300 calories less than your maintenance calories to lose weight consistently and in a healthy manner. By drinking more coffee, you’ll have an easier time adhering to this deficit as you’ll be less likely to experience hurdles like hunger pangs and sudden cravings!

Your Favorite Drink Helps Boost Your Metabolism

Although coffee isn’t really going to melt all your stubborn fat and make you lean like some sort of magical drink, it still works effectively in terms of boosting your metabolism. This is because of its supple helping of antioxidants—key ingredients that help flush out toxins that hinder fat loss.

A Cup of Coffee is the Perfect Pre-workout Drink

As many of you probably know by now, working out and getting a sweat session in is an integral element of effective and sustainable weight loss. 

It can be difficult to stay consistent because you won’t always feel the drive to get up, go to the gym, and commit to your sets from start to finish. Fortunately, this is where coffee can be especially helpful as its caffeine content makes it a perfect natural pre-workout drink that will have you primed and ready to hit the gym ASAP! 


Among the many things you can do to help your body lose unwanted weight, a simple cup of coffee can be incredibly impactful. By adding more coffee into your diet, you can benefit from the energy and metabolism boost it naturally provides.

Our Lean Joe Bean products provide the best functional weight loss coffee in the US market that can help boost your metabolism and curb your hunger. Get in touch with us today to see how we can help!