2 glasses of iced coffee

The Best Brew for Weight Watchers: Top 3 Coffee Drinks That Won't Ruin Your Diet

by LJB Communications

People across the world start the day right with a good cup of coffee, but your morning pick-me-up can affect your weight loss journey more than you think. Before you start to panic and worry about sacrificing your fix for the delicious java, it helps to understand the role coffee plays in your diet.

How Coffee Aids Your Weight Loss

Black coffee, particularly light roasted beans, contain higher amounts of polyphenol antioxidants. This compound is considered as a natural fat burner, which works by either increasing your metabolism or curbing your hunger.

Of course, drinking coffee can become a confectionary treat that can contribute to your sugar cravings the more sweeteners you add to the mix. The lattes and mocha blend people often line up for in popular cafes in town are packed with sugar, making it all the more addictive and energizing.

This begs the question: what are the best types of coffee that won’t ruin your diet? The list below should give you a rundown on our top picks:

1. Iced Coffee

Drinking iced, black coffee is one way to elevate the bittersweet drink without compromising your fitness goals. Packing only up to 90 calories, you can have one to two drinks for your caffeine fix and don’t have to worry about adding to your weight.

Adding milk to the drink can enhance the flavor and bring out its deep, chocolate nuances, though it can add another 103 calories per 200 grams of milk. This won’t leave a negative impact so long as you stick to one cup a day!

2. Caffe Misto

For latte lovers looking to cut down the calories in your favorite java, why not go for a caffe misto? It’s freshly brewed coffee mixed with steam milk, though weight watchers can elevate the experience and lower the calorie count at the same time by using nonfat milk.

This beverage rounds out at only 70 calories per 16 ounces, making it a filling, delicious, and appetite-reducing drink that is sure to power you up for the rest of the day.

3. Iced Skinny

If you prefer to indulge in a flavorsome beverage without feeling guilty with the calorie count, why not swap your favorite iced latte with a healthier alternative by using nonfat milk. There are only 80 calories for every 16 ounces, making it a tasty option for latte lovers.

The Bottom Line: Starting The Day Right With A Delicious Cup Of Coffee That Doesn’t Ruin Your Diet

There’s plenty of ways to drink and enjoy your coffee, which means there are trends and hacks that are sure to satisfy your fix without ruining your diet.

Are you looking to start your day right with a good cup of coffee without slowing down your weight goals? Our nutritional instant coffee blend is as tasty as it is healthy, packing as much energy without spiking up your sugar cravings.

With our colorful selection of lean instant coffee in the US, we can deliver more than your average brew. Get in touch with us if you want to jumpstart your morning with our delectable and robust cup of joe.

Photo Credit (Image by David Dewitt)