
Mushroom Coffee: When Superfoods Mushroom and Coffee Combine

by LJB Communications

If you are a health-conscious person who wants to improve your overall health, you probably already know about the concept of superfoods. These are foods rich in nutrients, and they are thought to be nutrient powerhouses, therefore good for enhancing your health. These are mostly plant-based foods with a mix of some fish and dairy, but you might be surprised that a certain drink made the cut: coffee

If you are one of the many who cannot skip coffee in the morning, you will be happy to know that it is now considered a superfood. By drinking your favorite booster every day, you help give your body the multitude of nutrients it needs. 

Why Coffee Is a Superfood

Although many people love to drink coffee, it is also a controversial drink with many allegations surrounding it. The truth is that every food and drink has pros and cons. If you research more about coffee, you will discover that it has many benefits that can outweigh and disprove all of these claims. 

Coffee would not be a superfood without its ability to provide your body with the following health benefits

  • Decreases your risk of getting heart disease by five percent
  • Reduces your chance of getting cancer by 20 percent
  • Lowers your risk of Type 2 diabetes by 30 percent
  • Reduces your chances of contracting Parkinson’s diseases by 30 percent

Moreover, a study published by JAMA Internal Medicine found that people who drink many cups of coffee daily tend to live longer than those who do not. 

Mushroom Coffee

One superfood rising in popularity in recent years is mushroom coffee. It is essentially a blend of two superfoods: ground coffee and mushrooms. 

Mushrooms are rich in vitamins and minerals that are good for the heart, digestive system, and skin. They are also a good source of health-supporting elements, like copper, potassium, and antioxidants. Some studies also suggest that mushrooms can help maintain cholesterol levels and prevent plaque buildup, which is good for the heart. It might only be getting the attention it deserves in the last few years, but fungi, in general, have been used as a remedy by the Ancient Chinese for centuries. 

You can also expect less caffeine from mushroom coffee. You will just get enough to pump you up without the potential downsides of excessive consumption. 

Having a cup of mushroom coffee is the best way to start your day if you want to get a healthy boost. If you love eating mushrooms, you can now enjoy its health benefits as an additional ingredient to your favorite drink. 


While there is no one perfect food that can solve all your health problems, mushroom coffee is a superfood packed with high vitamin and mineral content that can help shield your body against diseases. Its nutritional content can help make you healthier, improve your energy levels, and help with your weight loss journey. Mushroom coffee is one example of two combined superfoods that give people a wide range of health benefits.   

If you want to experience how mushroom coffee benefits your health, try our Lean Joe Bean Superfood Coffee. It is packed with six kinds of mushrooms along with other superfoods that can give you more energy, boost your metabolism, and give you better concentration. Try it now.