Lion's Mane Coffee: Benefits & Recipe

Lion's Mane Coffee: Benefits & Recipe

by Jasmin NXG

In our modern world, it may feel as though there is never a shortage of new things to learn and explore. From nutrition to travel, there are so many exciting new opportunities to create more fulfilling lives for ourselves and our loved ones. 

When we think of coffee, we probably think of a black cup of joe, right? Well, it goes without saying that coffee is very commonly thought to be the perfect way to get your day started. In fact, in many parts of the world, coffee is actually the de facto standard for morning coffee — and for good reason.

A cup of quality coffee has well-known benefits which can help you feel sharper and have a more alert mind throughout the day. However, what if you don’t like strong coffee or you’re looking for a new way to enjoy your everyday cup of Joe? Then consider trying out lion's mane coffee — also known as yerba mate or simply matcha.

Read on to find out more about this strange but amazing little plant…

What Is Lion's Mane Coffee?

Lion's mane coffee is a type of coffee that is grown exclusively in South Africa and Brazil. It is also called yerba mate or simply matcha in some parts of the world. It is produced by the oxidation of the caffeine in the leaves of the coffee berry. There are many varieties of coffee, and choosing the best one for your taste profile can be difficult. In this article, we're going to look at three of the most popular types of coffee: black, espresso and matcha. Black coffee is the most popular type of coffee and is usually made from arabica beans. Espresso coffee is popular because of its rich flavor and can be made by adding filter paper to a coffee machine.

Why Drink Lion's Mane Coffee?

Before we go any further, let's get one thing out of the way: why not try one of the many available coffee blends to get a feel for what type of coffee you like best? There are lots of options out there — and some of them are even interactive! There are a few different reasons why you might want to try lion's mane coffee. The most obvious one is to reduce inflammation, which can lead to various health conditions like cancer, heart disease and autoimmune disorders. Another reason is that it may help you sleep better at night — especially if you suffer from insomnia. It contains melatonin, which is believed to help with sleep by regulating your sleep-wake cycle.

Is Lion’s Mane Coffee Good for you?

People have been drinking coffee for thousands of years, and while some argue that the art of making a perfect cup of joe has only just begun, there is little doubt that the end result is well worth the effort.

Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages on earth, and as such, it is no wonder that so many different coffees are available to buy. However, choosing the right coffee can be a challenge, especially if you’re a newbie to the world of specialty coffee. Read on to learn more about the ins and outs of coffee and its various types, and find out which bean is best for you.

The natural high that comes from drinking quality Lion’s mane coffee has long been acknowledged for its energizing properties; in fact, research shows that humans are genetically wired to like getting their Daily Doses of caffeine . 

However, because of its high concentration of caffeine (about 200mg per ounce), this naturally occurring compound can have negative side effects in large amounts. For example, if you're a morning person who doesn't want to function effectively until the last sip of your first cup of joe , then this might not be the bean for you. 

How To Make Lion's Mane Coffee?

You can either brew your own coffee at home or buy a ready-to-brew coffee machine. The latter is usually found in coffee stores and supermarkets. You can also find automatic coffee makers that can make a variety of different types of coffee. The type you'll want to make sure to look out for is the one that can make either black or espresso coffee. One way to make sure you know what type of coffee you like best is to try out a few different types. Once you've found one that you like, you can just keep using it without having to search for another brand or type of coffee. In order to make sure you get the most out of your coffee, it's best to measure the amount of coffee you'll be using. You can usually find a cup and a half of coffee in a can, so if you're making regular coffee, you can save a lot of money by buying a can every time you need coffee.

The Difference Between Matcha And Lion's Mane Coffee

While both matcha and lion's mane coffee is made from the same type of coffee, there are a few differences between the two that you should be aware of. First, matcha is often made using shade-grown, whole leaves whereas lion's mane coffee is made from the whole bean. When it comes to the taste, the main difference between the two is that matcha often has a stronger flavor whereas lion's mane coffee is often less bitter. However, there are also a few other notable differences between the two that you should be aware of. One such difference is that matcha is often served in cups whereas lion's mane coffee is typically made with a cup and a half.

Get The Most Out Of Your Matcha Cup With This Easy Matcha Recipe

If you're looking for an easy way to try out matcha and make sure you get the most out of your cup, here are a few matcha recipe ideas. 

Espresso Matcha: In this coffee recipe, you'll use ground coffee, instant coffee and espresso coffee to create a dreamy, rich espresso coffee with a touch of matcha.

Espresso Matcha (fruity): If you love coffee, then this is the cup for you. You'll use fresh fruit like orange, kiwi and passionfruit to create a sweet, tangy cup of matcha with a strong flavor. 

Thai Green Tea Matcha: If you're one of those lucky people who loves strong green tea, this is the cup for you. You'll use green tea to make a cup of matcha that is both cooling and refreshing.

The Bottom Line

Lion's mane coffee is a unique type of coffee that is produced by the oxidation of caffeine in the leaves of the coffee berry. While many people think of it when they think of coffee, this amazing drink is actually a fruit! If you love coffee, you'll definitely love this fruit — so much that you might even want to try drinking it black! And we’ve got the perfect black coffee infused with lion’s mane and other more natural ingredients. Check it out!