
What to Know About Drinking Coffee on a Keto Diet

by LJB Communications

The keto diet has skyrocketed in popularity over the last few years, as many people have reported dropping tens of pounds faster than on any other diet. The prospect sounds intimidating, as you’ll be subsisting on high-fat food only. Due to its restrictions, it also involves eliminating many items from your diet, which may include some of your favorite food and drink.

If you’re a worshipper of coffee, you may worry about having to give up your delicious morning brew. The good news is that you can undoubtedly continue drinking coffee on keto, but there are a few considerations to keep in mind. Here’s what you need to know:

What is a Keto Diet?

A keto diet, short for a ketogenic diet, replaces all your carbohydrates with fat. That means you’ll eat only high fat, low carb foods with some amounts of protein. Starving your body or carbs puts it in a state of ketosis, causing it to burn fat. Your body relies on carbs to metabolize it into energy faster, so taking them out of your diet forces your body to rely on fat instead. For this reason, it’s great for losing weight, and some studies show that it can help fight against cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.

Drinking Coffee While on Keto

Coffee offers many health benefits, like tea, but they provide little nutritional value. Brewing coffee means that the water extracts oils and antioxidants from the beans. If you use paper filters when brewing, these absorb the oils, preventing them from making it into your cup of coffee. Still, a cup of black coffee usually contains just about five calories and no carbohydrates, making them keto-friendly.

Overhauling your food habits or starting a new diet can be overwhelming and intimidating, as you’ll begin to eliminate some foods from your diet and start eating more of different kinds of foods. This process takes a lot of commitment and discipline, but the incredible results are certainly worth it. If you’re a dedicated coffee drinker, giving it up sounds impossible, but the good news is that you don’t need to eliminate it from your diet at all. If you add sugar and cream to it, you’ll have to make some changes, but there are still many ways to enjoy your coffee.

Ways to Drink Keto-Friendly Coffee

There are many different ways to enjoy keto-friendly coffee. Black coffee by itself is perfect, as it is only two calories, and it still gives you the focus and alertness you need to perform at your best. It also has more health benefits than coffee filled with sugar and cream.

However, if you can’t live without sweet coffee, consider adding heavy cream instead of coffee creamer. Two tablespoons of heavy cream add 0-2 grams of carbs, and you can up the ante on the sweetness by adding sugar-free sweetener. There are also many keto coffee creamers available that are delicious and still low in carbs.

Grass-fed butter is another way to spruce up your coffee while giving you even more brainpower. It’s also a great alternative to breakfast foods. If you want to take coffee’s health benefits to the next level, consider adding MCT oil. It is clear, odorless, and flavorless, but boosts your metabolic rate, suppresses appetite, burns calories, and improves endurance during exercise.


There’s no need to give up your morning brew for the sake of maintaining a keto diet, even when you like it a little sweet. By using our guide, you’ll become a master at preparing keto coffee, helping you achieve your ideal weight while staying alert and energetic.

If you’re looking for keto coffee, look no further than Lean Joe Bean! We are the world’s only functional instant coffee proven to boost metabolism and improve energy. Curb your cravings with your morning coffee by shopping for our products today!