Is Coffee Good For Weight Loss? Here's A Look At The Science!

By Admin Mon, Dec 12, 22

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Most people know that coffee can help you feel more alert and energized, but do they know that it's also been linked to a less-than-healthy weight? specifically, its effect on your belly. In fact, according to recent research, moderate amounts of caffeine — about a cup per day — can actually be beneficial when it comes to your weight. It gives you more energy and keeps you awake, which is great for business meetings or long days at the office. However, too much caffeine can have the opposite effect and actually cause you to gain weight because it makes you hungrier which means you eat more calories – even though you're trying to lose weight. So how much is too much for one of life's most essential nutrients? Read on to learn more about the health benefits of coffee, how much is too much, and how drinking it in moderation fits into your healthy lifestyle.

What is Coffee for Weight Loss?


Coffee for weight loss is simply coffee without the sugar and milk, minus course, the jolt of caffeine in the form of coffee. Because the amount of caffeine in coffee is low, you get the same amount of jolt without the crash that comes with larger amounts of coffee. You can typically add milk, sugar, or other add-ins to coffee to make it more desirable as a weight loss tool. However, without those components, coffee is pretty much just a protein shake. To make it a fat-loss tool, you need to add some calories to make it more desirable as a snack. 

A study examined the eating habits of over 1,500 people and found that those who drank two or more cups of coffee daily were more likely to be gainfully employed and have higher incomes than those who did not drink coffee. People who drank three or more cups of coffee were less likely to be gainfully employed or have higher incomes. This group also had higher levels of stress and was less likely to take steps to reduce their stress. Coffee is also a diuretic beverage, which means that it passes through the stomach and intestines undigested so you should limit your intake of it.

How Much Is Too Much Coffee for Weight Loss?


There's no exact figure for how much coffee is too much for weight loss, but most experts recommend limiting caffeine to a cup or less per day. If you drink coffee regularly, you may be gaining weight. But if you drink it in moderation, it has been shown to help with weight loss. Caffeine is a stimulant drug and you’re likely trying to avoid that by limiting your intake. How much you should drink does depend on your health and weight loss goals.

Coffee has Health Benefits


There are a few studies that have examined the effects of drinking coffee on weight loss. While they all found some positive results, the most significant takeaway is that coffee can increase focus and motivation – both crucial to achieving your weight loss goals. However, when you drink coffee regularly without any added benefits, you’re actually consuming almost no caffeine. With so little kick from coffee, the only thing that makes your day long is the drive to the grocery store to buy the ingredients for a new coffee shop latte. In fact, research shows that drinking one or two cups of coffee a day does not lead to increased body weight. However, excessive caffeine intake can cause weight gain.

How Drinking Coffee for Weight Loss Fits Into a Healthy Lifestyle


As you can see, there are many ways to go about drinking coffee for weight loss. You can either do it by yourself or with a friend. You can also order a small cup of coffee at your local coffee shop and pour it into a takeaway cup. If you’re drinking coffee with a friend, try to keep your conversation light and playful. You don’t want to get down too serious and find yourself in an attitude session. Additionally, try to keep your alcohol intake low or even consider abstaining from hard liquor for a month or two. Last but not least, don’t forget to stay active. Exercise is proven to reduce the effects of caffeine on your system so you’ll feel less jittery and energetic on the day after you down your coffee.



Coffee for weight loss is not only good for your body but it can also help you lose weight. It gives you more energy and keeps you awake, which is great for business meetings or long days at the office. However, too much caffeine can have the opposite effect and actually cause you to gain weight because it makes you hungrier which means you eat more calories – even though you’re trying to lose weight. How much is too much coffee for one of life's most essential nutrients? You can find out more about coffee for weight loss here.


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