How Green Tea Helps With the Detoxification Process

How Green Tea Helps With the Detoxification Process

by Bennett Push

Detoxing is a popular way of promoting wellness, and it involves various methods of ridding the body of harmful chemicals and substances. Detoxing can be done through food restriction, meditation, salt baths, exercise, and other ways of purging and purifying.

One of the most popular methods of detoxification is through liquid cleansing. Green tea is a popular herb used to support the body’s natural cleansing processes. In fact, many people drink tea to help lose weight. Using it primarily for detoxification, though, is a different matter altogether. Detoxing is more than just consuming organic drinks, sweating impurities out, or taking an herbal supplement.

What is detoxification?

In the medical sense, detoxification refers to the body’s internal systems that flush away harmful substances. These can be excess medication, toxic byproducts of bodily functions, or environmental chemicals that the body cannot use. Side effects of detoxification include weight loss and clearer skin. This is why many people want to take products that enhance the process.

Plenty of organs contribute to detoxification. The respiratory, immune, integumentary, immune, and digestive systems all aid in detoxifying. However, most of the internal processing involved is accomplished by the liver. When toxins pass through the liver, they are filtered and changed by various enzymes, reducing their harmful effects and readying them for elimination.

Does green tea detoxify the body?

Green tea is not a detoxifying substance on its own. However, it contributes to the detox system in important ways. It has antioxidants as well as polyphenols that aid the liver in breaking down toxic substances. Fat burning teas like green and oolong tea can also promote a faster metabolism.

Green tea is packed with flavonoids, a type of polyphenol that is especially potent in fighting toxins. Aside from this, green tea also has L-theanine, an amino acid that aids in the production of glutathione. GSH or glutathione protects the immune system and optimizes the function of lymphocytes, which protect the body from invasive bacteria.

How does green tea help in detoxification?

Green tea does not directly aid in detoxifying. However, it helps keep the liver healthy and provides it with the amino acids it needs to break down toxins efficiently. It also helps in neutralizing free radicals, which are unstable, highly reactive molecules that can interrupt detoxification. The purification which happens in the liver actually produces free radicals and consuming green tea would flush out the free radicals generated by this process.

Furthermore, green tea protects the liver beyond aiding its detoxing capabilities. It prevents the liver from being negatively impacted by acetaminophen.

Green tea directly supports the liver by increasing enzyme activity that drives the first two phases of detoxification. Its impact on specific liver enzymes also explains other benefits beyond detoxification, such as protecting the liver from acetaminophen. Epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, is a compound in green tea. In lower levels, EGCC reduces acetaminophen’s toxic impact on the liver and prevents inflammation.


Getting rid of toxic substances is a part of natural systems. The body has its own methods of detoxification, mainly achieved through the liver, and green tea supports these purification processes and keeps the liver healthy and strong.

For more information on green tea detox and other ways of promoting weight loss and wellness, visit Lean Joe Bean today.