How Black Coffee Can Help You Shed Off Those Extra Pounds!

How Black Coffee Can Help You Shed Off Those Extra Pounds!

by Bold Commerce Collaborator

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Thanks to the rise of infomercials, health “gurus”, and self-proclaimed weight-loss experts, we’ve all probably heard of every kind of spiel for fat burning in existence.

Now, while a sustainable be-all, end-all cure for getting your dream body will never exist, however, there’s one drink that can help your weight-loss efforts. The best news is that it’s probably sitting in your cupboard! That’s right—it’s black coffee.

Why black coffee is the solution for your weight-loss woes

As something that many of us enjoy every day, you may have never thought of your daily cup of coffee to be a tool for getting the rockin’ bod you’ve always wanted. Beyond being a way to start your morning, coffee has been proven to work wonders in terms of improving health—even more so when it comes to shedding pounds.

If you keep up with the fitness industry, you’ve probably noticed many people starting their day with a cup of black coffee—not lattes, macchiatos, or caramel frappes—and for good reason! A plain cup of joe is a wonderful tool for weight loss because of the various benefits it packs, such as:

It works as an effective hunger-suppressant

One of the biggest reasons that coffee works so well when it comes to losing weight is that it takes on two of the biggest catalysts for excessive weight gain: hunger and cravings.

Thanks to chlorogenic acid, black coffee provides the body with the very antioxidants it needs in order to supplement both a proper diet and regular exercise to achieve a desirable end result. Simply by drinking a cup of coffee after dinner or a post-workout meal, you can control the cravings and keep your calorie intake in check!

It’s a great way to combat water bloating

If you often experience bloating and sluggishness, your body may be retaining more water than it’s expelling. This water bloating effect is perceived by many as weight gain and leads to a pudgier look when it isn’t managed properly or recognized. The diuretic effect of black coffee can help bring the body’s water content down to the right level and help you catch a glimpse of those abs in the most sustainable way possible! Remember, though—hydration is a good thing! When you start experiencing bloating and discomfort, though, you may need to take a look at your diet and water intake.

It helps supplement the body’s metabolic activities

In comparison to other fad-products that come with tall promises, coffee helps with weight loss because of its intrinsic properties that have an effect on the body’s energy levels.

These heightened energy levels, as a result, nudge your body’s metabolism in the right direction. When coupled with proper exercise and a good diet, it can be a great way to keep those pounds off!


With our favorite morning drink, you can best achieve your body goals by getting a regular dose the most sustainable way to lose weight. Just a cup a day can allow you to experience the benefits!

Keen to get healthy while treating yourself to an amazing brew with a flavor you’ll never forget? Stock up on our black coffee for weight loss today!