Guarana: Benefits From This Energizing Superfood

Guarana: Benefits From This Energizing Superfood

by Jasmin NXG

When you hear the word “energy,” your first impression might be that it’s probably something in high-tech terms. If you’re like many people these days, you may have been conditioned to think that all energy drinks havecn energizing and invigorating effects. However, what most people don’t know is that a natural refreshment drink called guarana actually has plenty of energy-boosting benefits too!

Even though it’s often associated with energy drinks and other caffeine-packed beverages, guarana doesn’t contain caffeine. It has a higher concentration of the bitter indigoidine called xanthigenic glycoside than most other fruits and plants do. In fact, it has up to 80 times more this potent sugar than any other plant source!

This makes it an excellent choice for anyone looking for a refreshing addition to their diet that isn’t as energizing as they would like. The benefits of drinking guarana are numerous. Let's take a look at why you should give this superfood a try instead!

What is Guarana?

Guarana is a popular beverage consumed throughout South America. It is known as the “beverage of champions,” and is commonly consumed as a dietary supplement. Typically, it is made by steeping the seeds of the plant in hot water and then filtering out the Glucose, Tannin and other nutrients. This beverage is then called guarana because it looks and tastes like coffee. When consumed in large quantities, however, it has the potential to cause jitteriness and excitement—hence the “gut-friendly” label!

How does Guarana and Caffeine work?

When most people think of energizing, they probably think of coffee. In fact, an entire coffee shop industry was built around providing the perfect cup of Joe. However, there are plenty of other great ways to get your daily dose of caffeine without going overboard. One such superfood is guarana.

This tree fruit has more than a hint of caffeine in it, which makes it a great pre-workout or post-workout choice. It’s also high in resveratrol, an antioxidant found in grape skins that’s been widely acknowledged for its powerful ability to increase energy and aid in weight loss.

What are the Health Benefits of Guarana?

There are plenty of health benefits of guarana: It helps with: 

- Mood issues 

- Anxiety 

- Insomnia 

- Cravings 

- Dizziness 

- Cravings for sweets 

- Dizziness when standing up 

- Excessive mood changes 

- Low appetite 

- Increased alertness 

- Appetite for vegetables 

- Fat and cholesterol metabolism 

- Dental care 

- Eye care 

- Heart health 

- Nausea 

- Dental caries 

- High potassium 

- Sleep disturbances

How to Drink Guarana?

You can either drink it hot or iced. If you drink it hot, add a spoonful of sugar or stevia to taste. If you want a “sore throat” remedy, add a quarter teaspoon of turmeric. Or, if you’re looking for a boost of energy, mix 2 parts water with 1 part sugar or stevia to taste.

How to Take in Guarana?

The choice of which form of guarana to consume is up to you. Consuming it in its natural form has plenty of health benefits, but some people may find that they respond better to the “sore throat” effect. If you’re unsure which form to take, the “standard” form is more bitter than sweet, but everyone’s taste for bitterness is different! For example, one study found that people who drank the sweet form of guarana reported having a greater “sore throat” response than those who drank the bitter form.

How Does Guarana Work?


Essentially, guarana works by increasing alertness and boosting the levels of dopamine in your brain, which is why it is often referred to as a “reward” classic. Unfortunately, there is no pharmaceutical equivalent of guarana. You’ll have to make your own cocktails, blend your own vodkas, and use your own sweets to create a “mixed-tastes-thesis” of how it works.

Side Effects of Guarana

While there are no side effects of guarana that have been reported, a small study found that there was a small risk of jitteriness. If you are sensitive to caffeine, you might also experience jitters when drinking this superfood. Otherwise, you will likely feel more alert and focused after consuming this beverage than when you consume other energy drinks.

The Dos and Don’ts of Guarana

Here are some tips to get you started on the right track with guarana: If you like sweet stuff, try drinking it sweetened. You can mix it in water or use sugar as a flavoring agent. If you want a “sore throat” remedy, add a quarter teaspoon of turmeric. Or, if you’re looking for a boost of energy, mix 2 parts water with 1 part sugar or stevia to taste. If you’re unsure which form to take, the “standard” form is more bitter than sweet, but everyone’s taste for bitterness is different!

Key Takeaway

When consumed in large quantities, guarana has the potential to cause jitteriness and excitement—hence the “gut-friendly” label! If you’re not sure which form to take, the “standard” form is more bitter than sweet, but everyone’s taste for bitterness is different! If you’re looking for a refreshing addition to your diet that isn’t as energizing as you would like, give guarana a try. You will likely be surprised at how good it tastes! Try guarana with Lean Joe Bean weight loss tea!