
How Does Drinking Coffee Affect Your Metabolism?

by LJB Communications

Coffee is an extremely popular beverage all over the world. The National Coffee Association says that about 64 percent of adults in the US consume coffee on a daily basis and that the typical American drinks around 2.7 cups of coffee in a day. 

Drinking coffee has become an important daily routine for many people for so many reasons. Some appreciate the unique aroma and taste of the beverage, while others consume it for that much-needed caffeine boost to get through the school or workday. 

In recent years, though, more people have become interested in the effects of caffeine on the body’s metabolism. Will drinking coffee really boost your metabolism? Should you integrate coffee into your diet? In this article, you will read about everything you want to know about this topic. 

All About Human Metabolism

Metabolism encompasses all processes that break down the food and drink you consume into energy that supports your body’s essential functions. Many people associate an active metabolism with burning fat and losing weight. 

Even at rest, your body is consuming energy and therefore undergoing metabolism. The total amount of energy required by your body to fulfill all its functions is called the basal metabolic rate (BMR) or your overall metabolism. This is largely affected by your age, lifestyle, and body composition. 

In addition to your basal metabolic rate, a process called thermogenesis also helps your body burn calories. Thermogenesis includes digestion, nutrient absorption, and food component storage, and it is responsible for about 10 percent of the total number of calories you burn each day. 

The Effect of Coffee on Your Metabolism

Coffee potentially boosting metabolism and increasing the calories a human body burns has long been the subject of many discussions. This is partly because caffeine, coffee’s main active component, is a known stimulant.

One particular study has shown that participants who drank four cups of coffee each day for 24 weeks were able to reduce their body fat by around four percent. And many believe that the boost in calorie burn brought this about. 

Another study observed that coffee drinkers are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes; however, further research is needed to conclude that there is indeed a confirmed connection between caffeine consumption and sugar metabolism.

Coffee and Weight Loss

While coffee can aid weight loss, health professionals still emphasize the significance of decreased calorie consumption and increased physical exercise in successfully shedding pounds. 

In addition, experts encourage enthusiasts to consider the possible side effects of caffeine on a person. While some people can easily consume up to four cups of coffee each day, this same amount may cause a caffeine crash in an individual who is not used to drinking this much. Health professionals also warn about experiencing sleep issues that may result in metabolic problems and weight gain.


Coffee drinking is a leisure activity that can satisfy your caffeine cravings and keep you alert for your daily responsibilities. It may also be a great addition to your weight loss meal plan and workout. The best weight loss process is one that involves healthy lifestyle choices and gradual yet consistent progress. 

If you are on the lookout for coffee for your weight loss journey, try Lean Joe Bean. Our groundbreaking coffee recipe targets key hormones that help control fat storage for improved body composition and a lean, sculpted physique. Check out our product selection today!