Dark Roast Coffee: All You Need to Know About It - Part 1

Dark Roast Coffee: All You Need to Know About It - Part 1

by LJB Communications

For most people, coffee can be seen as an integral part of a daily routine, a religion, a weight loss drink of choice, or a beverage that makes life make sense. 

If you’ve been drinking coffee for a while now, then you’re likely familiar with the fact that it holds a relatively important place in your life. From the moment you began to enjoy the distinct taste of a well-crafted brew, life was probably never the same once you got the hang of drinking coffee, especially when you learn how to brew beans yourself. 

As you grow familiar with the nuances of the preparation process, from grinding to brewing, you’ll learn about the finer details of coffee and the different ways you can tweak them for the perfect cup. 

Growing as a coffee drinker and one coffee you’re probably curious about

At this point, you’re probably well aware that the type of coffee you drink can heavily affect the quality of your experience. Long gone are the days where you’d settle for packets of 3-in-1 “coffee” because it’s guaranteed to seem like the only way to have the drink without using whole, quality beans. 

From names like “Yirgacheffe” to “Ethiopia” and “Guji-washed,” you may have heard about the different types of beans that your favorite specialty shop uses or what the experts love. While each unique bean bears a certain allure that can’t be overlooked, there’s one curious name over anything else: Dark roast coffee.

All the points you need to know about dark roast coffee

While many Americans are fans of dark roast coffee and prefer it above all else, the reality is that not too many people know enough about it. Thankfully, we’ve got you covered with this guide to all that you need to know about the caffeine phenomenon: 

How is the dark roast achieved?

The name “dark roast” in itself is already indicative of the preparation process involved in making high-quality coffee.

Generally, darker beans are made by taking regular green coffee beans freshly harvested and chucking them into a specially-designed roaster until the dark, shiny finish is achieved. The dark color itself is achieved when the beans are roasted until a second crack in temperature through constant heat levels that range from 240 to 250 degrees Celsius.

However, it’s worth noting that the dark, even roast is also achieved through a long time in the special roaster and a constant rotation of the beans. This leads to a well-balanced flavor that is fully brought out. 

Is it more robust than other kinds of coffee?

Whether you call it French Roast, Italian Roast, New Orleans, Vienna Roast, or Full City, you probably prefer a darker roast over anything else because of how strong it is. 

In science, it says that this “strength” is more of a placebo than it is reality.

Generally, the truth about the strength of the coffee is that it isn’t precisely affected by the type of beans that you’re working with or how dark their roast is. Instead, a cup’s strength comes from the ratio between beans and the hot water that extracts its oils, but dark roast comes off as “stronger” since it has the most massive impact on the senses. 


Compared to other types of coffee, dark roasts can stimulate the average coffee drinker’s senses and curiosities in more ways than one can expect, which is why you can’t know too much about it. Through this guide’s help, you can cherish the drink far better than before and ensure that you approach it with a much more informed mindset for a better experience! 

If you’re looking to successfully boost your metabolism to achieve your dream body with a cup of effective weight loss coffee, rest assured that ours at Lean Joe Bean has got you covered. Visit our store today to stock up on your weight loss essentials!