flat belly

3 Coffee Brewing Techniques to Achieve A Flat Belly

by LJB Communications

The fitness industry has long advocated for coffee and tea as fantastic sources of caffeine for those who want to lose weight. Years of research studies have linked coffee to lower belly fat and better weight loss. This is because caffeine is a stimulant that boosts metabolism and increases fat burning. It’s so effective that every fat-burning supplement contains caffeine.

Fitness experts also advise that the best way to drink coffee for weight loss is to take it black. Pure brewed coffee with no additives ensures that you get your caffeine jolt without added sugar or sweeteners that will pack on the pounds.

This is fantastic advice for people who can tolerate the bitterness of plain black coffee, but what about those who need some flavor complexity with their cup of Joe? Here are three coffee brewing techniques that bring fantastic flavor and will not hinder your journey to a toned, flat belly:

Healthy Sweeteners

If you need a little bit of sweetness with your cup of coffee, there are many sugar replacements available on the market today. You just need to choose carefully as you scan supermarket shelves. Some popular sugar alternatives such as Sweet N’ Low may still impact your blood sugar levels and overall appetite. Look for a sugar replacement that is non-caloric and will not affect your blood sugar.

Better yet, you can go full natural with your sweetener. Honey and maple syrup are fantastic choices for sweetness in your coffee. If you do your research, you’ll likely be able to find a local supplier for 100% natural honey, with no added ingredients! That said, keep in mind that even natural sweeteners can be high in calories and sugars, so limit the amount you add. 

Cream Replacement

Fitness experts say heavy cream is a no-no, and they’re right. Heavy cream primarily consists of dairy and fat, and if you consume it every day, it will only be detrimental to your overall health and weight loss journey.

Fortunately, many alternatives can deliver a taste and body that’s similar to heavy cream. Dairy substitutes such as coconut cream, almond milk, and oat milk are excellent sources of healthy fat and make your cup of black coffee taste a lot better.

Spice It Up

If you’re an adventurous sort who wants unique flavors with your coffee, you can use many natural spices to make your regular cup taste much more interesting than the usual. Cinnamon is a fantastic choice to liven up a regular cup of black coffee. It’s a spice that’s rich in antioxidants and can lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels. And most importantly, it has a zingy flavor that’s not too sweet.

If you want to mix it up further, you can stir in cocoa powder for a rich, mocha-like flavor. After all, everything's better with chocolate. It’s also loaded with antioxidants and can lower the risk of heart disease. Just make sure to choose a brand that contains no added sugar!

Other healthy flavor ideas include vanilla, pumpkin, peppermint, and even cardamom. Again, make sure to use natural flavoring with no added sugar or preservatives for a completely nutritious, delicious, and healthy cup of coffee.


Plain black coffee is fantastic for that one-two punch of a caffeine boost and weight loss. But if you want to inject other flavors into your coffee, there are many ways to do so without compromising your health and fitness journey. Natural sweeteners, dairy products, and flavorings can take your regular cup of coffee to the next level and help you maintain health in the long run!

Lean Joe Bean weight loss coffee is a great-tasting instant coffee that aids in weight loss and improved body composition. Our health and wellness experts have made it simple to take care of your body in mind. Check out our weight loss coffee and tea products today!