7 Emerging Mushroom Coffee Trends You'll Love

7 Emerging Mushroom Coffee Trends You'll Love

by Jasmin NXG

Emerging trends in coffee brewing are constantly being created and reshaped by the industry. When we think of emerging trends, we often think of an idea that has many people thinking about it for the first time. But with new ideas comes a whole new set of challenges. How can you keep pace with what your customers are asking for?

Emerging trends in mushroom coffee are ubiquitous. We see them every day on social media, at farmers markets, and in our own kitchens. From the rising demand for quality, organic coffee to the prevalence of mobile devices and tech-savvy consumers, trends come and go at an alarming pace. But with that comes opportunity as well as change. The more adaptable you are to change the better prepared you'll be for the future. That's what we think – at least. Here are just a few things you need to know about today’s new mushroom coffee brew trends!



1. Mushroom Coffee is on the Rise

Coffee is a very complex beverage with myriad uses and a rich history dating back thousands of years. Coffee beans are the result of a long-term, sometimes tedious, process. To make a cup of coffee, the proper amount of chemicals are used. But what if we could make that process more efficient, more effective, and less harmful to the environment? For example, by using more-efficient machines, coffee could be grown more profitably. This is precisely what researchers at the University of Guelph in Canada are working towards. By growing coffee in giant, automated, “microwave-friendly” greenhouses, coffee could be grown more sustainably. In fact, radio broadcasts are now underway in the United States to encourage consumers to buy more sustainably grown coffee. This, in turn, will encourage more people to use coffee as a way to support sustainable agriculture. In order to make this a reality, the manufacturing of coffee must be 100% carbon neutral. The carbon neutrality of coffee is perfectly achievable through a combination of organic practices and the minimization of household waste.



2. What's in a Name?

The name of this trend is definitely a reflection of this. The growing interest in organic and/or Fair Trade coffee is driving the demand for these products. Consumers want to know where their coffee comes from, what is involved in its production, and if it is safe to drink. This is especially important during a time when chemicals are increasingly being used to treat coffee and other agricultural products. Organic coffee is produced by growing coffee in soil that has been specially selected to contain less Roundup Ready 1 and 2, herbicide, and other chemicals. This particular soil contains elements that are favorable to the growth of plants, such as nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, and sulfur. When coffee is grown this way, very few chemicals are necessary to produce the desired results. In fact, chemical fertilizers are banned from Organic Coffee production.



3. Freshness is Key!

One of the advantages of fresh, organic coffee beans is their freshness. Most coffee is vacuum-packed and freshness is determined by the level of maturity of the beans. After being roasted and ground, coffee beans lose a large portion of their flavor. This is why you should carefully examine the coffee beans in your cupboard to make sure they are all fresh and active. You should also examine the coffee filter to make sure it is still intact. Coffee is typically stored in the refrigerator if you do not consume it in one week. If you are interested in trying organic, fair-trade coffee but are hesitant to spend the money, you should know that these products are becoming more and more available nautical. These days, you can find a variety of organic, fair-trade and organic-certified coffee beans at your local grocery store.



4. You Can now Buy Fresh, Organic Mushrooms

Organic and Fair-Trade coffee is becoming more and more prevalent in American supermarkets and restaurants. As more consumers realize the benefits of these products, they are becoming more and more available. Now, organic mushrooms are also being sold as a result of this trend. You will find organic, fair-trade and organic-certified mushrooms at your local grocery store. These products are produced using sustainable practices and there is no use of toxic pesticides or herbicides used to grow these particular mushrooms. They are grown in a way that is particularly eco-friendly and does not damage the soil. When buying fresh, organic mushrooms, make sure to get the ones without heads. The mushrooms without heads are the most flavourful and are consumed after the harvesting process. The ones with a head are the ones that have been dried and roasted.



5. You’re Eating More Mushrooms, at Least in Theory

According to a study conducted by the University of Guelph, consumers are increasingly choosing to purchase organic and/or fair-trade products. Consumers report that they are willing to pay more for higher-quality goods. This, in turn, will encourage more people to buy organic and/or fair-trade products. With more people choosing to buy organic, fair-trade and more expensive food items, the demand for cheaper organic and fair-trade goods will grow. In order to keep up with the demand, manufacturers will have to produce more affordable products.



6. You’ll Be Able to Buy Mushrooms in Just About Any Brand

When it comes to brand loyalty, few things will turn off consumers quite as much as loyalty programs. If brands have loyalty programs, consumers will often opt for those brands that offer the most benefits. Most supermarket loyalty programs are not only limited to one brand, but the rules may also prohibit members from using their cards at certain other types of stores. Grocery stores do not want to waste their time with unproductive salespeople who cannot explain the benefits of the various brands of coffee and snacks.



7. Mushrooms Are Becoming More Popular Than Ever For Coffee

Since the 1980s, when the first commercially cultivated mushrooms, the morel and the oyster mushrooms, have been grown and sold as luxury foods, people have been fascinated by the unknown and misunderstood Kingdom Protista. Many people have wondered why mushrooms, a fungus, have become a popular new food. While the exact reason is unclear, there are a few potential reasons: Mushrooms are easy to grow and are adaptable to a wide range of growing conditions. Mushrooms contain enzymes that can break down plant-based chemicals, like solvents and herbicides, that may be found in our food. Mushrooms are good for the environment, as they are considered sustainable and can be used as a biomass source. Mushrooms are rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Because of this, it makes sense that coffee would be a popular food among coffee-growing regions. In fact, coffee is one of the top ten most widely grown agricultural products in the world. Put simply, coffee is a staple crop that is widely consumed and traded on a large scale.


The environment in which we live is changing. We are living in a world where more food is produced and consumed close to home. It is important for us to be aware of these changes so that we can be better prepared for them. These trends will continue and will evolve, and you can stay ahead of the game by being aware of the changes and staying adaptable to them.

So when you hear “emerging trend” thrown around when discussing what people should be drinking this summer — know that it means something new and awesome is coming your way! 

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