cup of coffee on a table

3 Ways That Your Cup of Joe Can Help You Lose Weight

by LJB Communications

Although losing weight is not rocket science, it’s still difficult to achieve because of many factors that surround individuals, such as unhealthy foods and snacks. Typically, when you’re stressed out, you might be tempted to eat. When you’re happy, you'll likely eat as well. Most of the time, you tend to overindulge until it makes you gain unnecessary pounds.

The good news is that there are many methods to lose weight, such as physical activities, supplements, and even coffee. If you’re an avid drinker, then you’re in luck! Here are three ways that drinking a cup of Joe, specifically weight-loss coffee, can help you lose weight:

1. It Helps Control Cravings

You may or may not realize it, yet your food craving is one of the biggest reasons that you find it hard to lose weight. You may crave unhealthy foods when you’re stressed out, or even when you’re happy, and most of the time, it’s difficult to control. This is why you need some caffeine intervention through coffee.

When you consume coffee, it brings about thermogenesis, which is a process of heat production in the body from your energy storage. When this happens, it calms the cravings and gets the body to produce heat and energy using the unused calories around.

2. It Helps You Better Portion Your Meals

Aside from cravings, food portions are another factor that is tough to control. With the help of coffee, your body can figure out how to watch these portions because it can bring your appetite down to its usual levels. Eventually, your body will understand this change, and it will lessen the chances of you asking for second servings. That way, you get to lose the weight you want quickly.

3. It Makes Exercise Easier

One one of the most effective ways to lose weight is to get your body moving. It may be challenging to do this, especially when you have so much to eat, or you’re too lazy to merely stand up from the couch. If you find yourself feeling unmotivated to get a good workout in, drink a cup of coffee. It will give you a significant boost to let you train harder and even improve your stamina.

By consuming coffee before you exercise, it will convince the body to get its energy from your fat cells instead. This is also why you get that sudden jolt of energy when you consume a cup of Joe.


A cup of Joe is indeed delicious. It makes you happy, and at the same time, it can even make you lose weight. That said, if you’re trying to lose weight and you have exhausted all your options, try drinking a cup of coffee. You can even purchase coffees that are designed for weight loss.

Know that weight loss coffee is even better because not only is it delicious, but it contains specific ingredients to help make losing weight so much faster. However, you need to make sure you get the right coffee. This is because there are many coffee brands in today's market that claim they can help you lose weight, only to find out they contain harmful ingredients. Be sure to stick to a weight loss coffee that contains all-natural ingredients instead to help you lose weight in the healthiest way possible.

If you are looking for quality and delicious weight loss coffee, Lean Joe Bean has a selection of coffees that will help curb your cravings and make you lose weight. Visit our store today to place your order!